Working toward a better world for everyone! Project management, analysis of many types/recommendations (process, utility usage, etc..).
Initial consultation is free. Implementation is when the clock starts ticking and retainer is required.
I will be providing update pages under the dates
The ultimate goal here is to coordinate the creation and implementation etc of the means to get the homeless off the streets and to a place they will go besides jail. All at the lowest price possible! I cannot be the only person who has tried this and I want to see what is stopping things from moving forward. I’ll be researching/creating the means to do it, making it public for support and to show what is being done. I will do all I can to show everything that goes on, by all personal too, every day when engaged (if possible)!
The goal is to create the ideas, put them out there and see who is able to get it done, NOW, flat out. Agreements will be reached before anything goes ahead but it will be strictly voluntary, at this time, until everything is funded. Once funding is secured I will be doing projects in an individual mode and I will be asking for those people who want to join in the effort to submit information ideas etc I’ll be setting up the web site, legal paper work building for the foreseeable future, couple of days maybe a week. I’ll be throwing things out there to be done and I am looking for the brightest (yes that is you) minds to help me with getting it done, NOW, TODAY, NOT TOMORROW.
I have 6 people looking for the properties. We are looking for an area of at least 1 square mile, with utilities to handle the use, mainly sewage/water. Power generation is secondary, water/sewage is the top priority. The team is looking in the Southwest section of the U.S. but will not reveal locations.
The real draw will be creating an attractive arrangement in the housing. Something extremely durable, almost self-contained, mobile, stackable, amenities, eco-friendly, least environmental impact, earthquake safe, with no frills, least expensive and fast.
Today, right now, I need all the help I can get to refine the ideas, look for existing manufactures and explore doing it through independent (Create) manufactures with our design, unit costs, etc.
We will be designing Project Abode!
10X10X20 MOBILE HOUSING 1: sleep 4-6, 120v, cut in on right front corner, Entry way on left front corner, exit at back, 2 bathrooms/shower combo, kit-sink h/c h2o, elec stove 2 brner, microwave, storage, closets, the goal is to create enough room for 6 if they are there at the same time. This is how it gets tricky. I am looking to create a few systems, to make water from air-dehumidifier-wind horizontal-verticle /solar p-gen outside surface (flexy?) on sides.
The the system will run on (source to be created) 120 house current, when generation is in excess of use it will go to the larger grid. Sewage/water/power have to connect when stacked, couplings if you will. Included here is a first draft of what I have in mind.
It is not letting me add the pic files so will have to post that on site when up and running.
Monday 19 June 2023, (opportunity cost $300.) because I'm going to be directing this all myself, currently, I will be doing it as I can. I have to pay my bills so I'm going to keep working and do this once a day for a little bit until I'm 100% financially secure through donations. As the project originator I will only accept a 1% contribution for perpetuity*, of all income generated for this project. When I am financially secure I'll be giving it 100% of my time.
Spent the whole day working through the web site set-up. I have invested my own resources ($100K+) to get a 30+ acres property in an area that we can build a complete CITY! I will not reveal where it is at this time to avoid market inflation of the local properties.
Opportunity Cost: $1,000
Further work on the web site and original launch if I can get everything working right. I will working for the next 25-30 hours so I can eat and pay my bills. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE SO I CAN DIRECT MORE TIME TO THE HUEMONITY PROJECT!