Working toward a better world for everyone! Project management, analysis of many types/recommendations (process, utility usage, etc..).
Initial consultation is free. Implementation is when the clock starts ticking and retainer is required.
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Lets get the Homeless (American Citizen-AC) off the streets FOREVER. I/we/you need everyone's help to get this done TODAY!
Has the Homeless situation effected YOU? Now, today, not tomorrow is your chance to contribute to the projects that are being designed to do just that. Our Homeless AC Veterans will be the first group to be helped. The H. M. N. (HueMoNity) Projects are being designed to HELP HUMANITY as a whole at the lowest cost possible. The GOALS are to create the Projects to be FULLY FUNDED by Philanthropists, SELFSASTANING with funds created by the Projects, NONSTOP 24/7 because of the need and be PERPETUAL FOREVER, PERIOD because it is a never ending need! H. M. N. projects participation will also be offered to EVERYONE (reserving the right to refuse anyone) that wants to be in the projects. All funds will be used to over compensate personal, secure perpetual financial stability and growth of The H. M. N. Projects. All participants of the programs (graduates if you will) will be required to contribute 2% of their income to the H. M. N. projects. The H. M. N. Projects are to benefit all the surrounding areas they are in too. The GOALS are to have everyone exiting the programs, earning more then just a living wage/ how to manage it, having a positive impact on Society, participating in the elections and paying their fair share of taxes.
I am going to work on having exiting (retiring) Military to be in the top levels of projects management, create their OWN BUSINESSESS in the projects and hire those participating in the programs that are able to work. I'll be introducing offers to all the organizations that are currently helping the Homeless AC, that are currently overwhelmed, to become part of the projects. Go to updates and/or Projects pages for info.
The current situation with the Homeless destroying their lives, for whatever reason, to the point that they are destroying everyone's lives, has to stop NOW-TODAY-NOT TOMORROW! I want to have teams be able to approach the persons in need with the real promise of NOT GOING TO JAIL, getting them off the streets (current environment) to a place that is safe, has the facilities needed to address, for FREE: their basic housing, food, medical ,health, education, job training-with placement into a job and SO THEY can become a positive influence, participant in society. To start with we will have to build the basic facilities to just get them off the streets, NOW, TODAY, NOT TOMORROW. I will personally allow the use of my 30+ acres property to start this process. The property is located in an area that can turn into a Town-City in time. It is located far enough away from big Cities to prevent easy access to illegal drugs and the other influences that keep people wanting to stay homeless. Go to projects and/or updates page for more info.

Because I am doing all of this myself, at my personal expense/funding/time I will have to continue to use my time elsewhere to pay my bills. All I can really state is that I will invest my time/available resources, as available to move The H. M. N. Projects along. When funded I will put in motion people working 24/7 (not just 9-5) on the current step in the process to get as much as I can do to get this done, NOW-TODAY. IT IS A CALLING not a job for me!